Finding Your Voice - 2024 Fall FUTURO Conference Reflections

Finding Your Voice - 2024 Fall FUTURO Conference Reflections

Diana Medina

Attending the 2024 FUTURO Fall Leadership Conference "Finding Your Voice" conference was a deeply meaningful and energizing experience, particularly for the first-generation college students in attendance, many of whom come from low income backgrounds. The event was thoughtfully designed to foster connection and empowerment, with a diverse range of speakers who understood firsthand the challenges many of us face.

One of the most impactful moments was led by Aleyda S., a counselor who guided us through an activity where we wrote down the reasons that hold us back from speaking up, feeling confident, or using our voice fully. This reflection was eye-opening, helping us to identify the barriers that often keep us from stepping into our power. Through activities focused on overcoming these obstacles, we began to see how we could break through and speak up with confidence.

Lunch was a special time as well. Catered by Limo Peruvian Eatery, we enjoyed a delicious meal while FUTURO alumni Ambar Herrera, Juan Pablo Ramirez, Leonardo Cisneros, and Arcelia Cisneros played live music, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for networking and conversation.

The panel discussion that followed was equally inspiring. Andrea Connors, Antone Christianson-Galina, and Rashad Russell shared their personal journeys of finding their voices in workplaces where they often represent diversity. Their stories resonated deeply, offering real-world insights into how to stand firm in your identity while navigating professional spaces.

Derek Young’s keynote speech was a powerful highlight. As a motivational speaker and first-generation college graduate himself, his message of resilience and success felt incredibly personal. He walked us through his "9 Hindsights for Greater Joy and Impact," which included advice on developing a clear purpose, surrounding yourself with the right people, and prioritizing self-care. Derek's story of overcoming adversity was a reminder that our backgrounds don't limit our potential—they fuel it.

The conference closed with a heartfelt "Alumni Power Talk" from Mariam Fawzy, who shared how FUTURO shaped her professional and personal life during college. Her words underscored the importance of community and mentorship in helping us navigate challenges and find our voice. The day wrapped up with a fun reception featuring music by DJ Faith, leaving us all feeling inspired and more connected to both our peers and our potential.

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