Press Release
Inclusivity + Belonging: Strengthening College to Career Recruitment

Inclusivity + Belonging: Strengthening College to Career Recruitment

Jennifer Novo

Inclusivity + Belonging:

Strengthening The College to Career Recruitment Pipeline Forum

You are invited to discuss how inclusive student support services strengthen the career recruitment pipeline. This Forum will help leaders learn about such programming’s impact on the pipeline and how to invest in a stronger and more diverse workforce.

Join us on Tuesday, January 23rd from 9am-12:30pm at The Engine at 2963 Disco Dr, Nashville, 37204.

The event is free; breakfast is included.

Register Here or visit the Eventbrite link; space is limited:

This event is intended for college recruiters, DEI Professionals, business leaders, and college administrators to discuss and call for ways to support and strengthen workforce and campus diversity in light of new restrictions at the federal and state levels. At this event, FUTURO will demonstrate the findings of a recently funded research grant to study how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programmatic funding impacts business and higher education.

Considering the recent defunding of DEI programs in higher education in several states such as Florida and Texas, we are at a critical juncture. Your attendance has the potential to greatly influence what happens in the legislature regarding student DEI support and the recruitment pipeline.

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